Consult the image, video and audio galleries related to the history and current situation of the Basque Economic Agreement and the Basque fiscal system. The section “Teaching materials and other resources” offers a selection of materials and resources for teachers and students at all levels. To send us new documents or materials:
Selection of images about the Basque Economic history and present
Journey through the history of the negotiators that had taken part in the successive renewals and amendments of the Basque Economic Agreement.
Selection of videos about the Basque Economic Agreement history and present
Workshops and congresses about the Basque Economic Agreement and Basque public treasuries
Selección de audios sobre la historia y actualidad del Concierto Económico
Serie de entrevistas realizadas en Onda Vasca a expertos de distintos ámbitos para profundizar en el conocimiento y difusión del Concierto Económico
Presentations and teaching materials about the Basque Economic Agreement history
Material docente sobre el Concierto Económico para estudiantes.