The 2008 financial crisis and the health crisis of 2020, together with globalisation or technological changes, contributed to widen the… |
Two deep economic crises have had a major impact on public finances in the first two decades of the 21st… |
The international journal of public finance, Public Sector Economics, edited by the Institute of Public Finance, has recently published a… |
La Asociación para la Promoción y Difusión del Concierto Económico Ad Concordiam, ha publicado recientemente el nuevo trabajo de Javier… |
Revenue Statistics 2022, which presents tax revenue data for the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic, shows that the OECD… |
Fedea (Fundación de Estudios de Economía Aplicada) ha publicado el nuevo número de su Observatorio Fiscal y Financiero de las… |