On the 1st of December Instituto Complutense de Estudios Internacionales (ICEI-UCM), together with Ituna Center for Basque Economic Agreement and fiscal federalism studies (UPV/EHU), will organize the II International Workshop on Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations.
The Belgium-based VIVES Institute (KU Leuven) hosted last 10th of January 2020 the first edition of the event. Aiming to celebrate it in a year basis, they gathered researchers from five different universities in order to exchange their work on fiscal federalism and multilevel fiscal governance. Precisely, one of the goals of the workshop is to serve as a platform for researchers and policymakers to share their work and exchange their views on this issues as the first step to stablish a cross-border research network.
Once again, the organizers look forward to repeat the success of the event, by extending the focus and the number of participants. This time, Instituto Complutense de Estudios Internacionales, based in Madrid, will be the host, with the collaboration of Ituna Center. Due to health-related reason the event will take place in a fully-online basis. All the presentations and discussion will be held in English.
Free registration is still open, by completing this formulary.