NOTE: This page is only available for the speakers, and it will be deleted once the Conference is over.
2. General Information of Bilbao
4. Draft Papers
Session 1 – Fiscal Federalism, crises and financial imbalances
- Borrowing to Compete – T. Fenwick
- Long Covid in German public finance. Lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic in Germany – C. Bender, F. Botta, M. Hesse, T. Lenk
- Large Scale But Temporary How the Federal Government’s Responses to the Great Recession and COVID-19 (Mostly) Maintained Continuity in American Federalism – J. Kincaid, J. Wesley Leckrone
- Present and future of the decentralisation system in Spain. Subnational public finances and interterritorial inequalities – M. Erkoreka, M. Grau, M. Kolling
- Fiscal decentralization after systemic crises an analysis of the Brazilian experience – S. Santos Gomes
Session 2 – Fiscal Federalism, a tale on diversity
- Subnational constitutional constitutionalism comes of age – R. Williams
- The Italian Constitutional Court – A. Filippetti, S. Rondinella, F. Tuzi
- Unequal permanent austerity – O. Jaques
- Legitimate Representation of Constituent Peoples. From Constitutional Principle to Attempts of its Electoral Denial – M. Sitarski, D. Barbarić
Ronald Watts Young Researcher Award ceremony
Session 3 – Fiscal equalization, intergovernmental transfers and regional disparities
- The Federal Equalization Program as a Controversial and Contested Policy Success – D. Béland, A. Lecours, T. Tombe
- Canada, The Uneven Return of Redistributive Politics – A. Noël
- Power of the Weak. Negotiating Fiscal Redistribution in Canada – K. Koranyi
- Territorial disparities, horizontal imbalances and fiscal federalism in Argentina. New evidence – M. Asensio, F. Martino, P. Fadul